Currently you can register for just $75 per day for two days of jam packed learning and networking at the NCTech4Good Conference June 4-5 in Chapel Hill. But the rates go up on May 4. Check out the Thursday workshop description and Friday sessions and register today!
Meet folks you can talk with about your tech challenges. Make new friends. There's a lot of networking at NCT4G.
Don't miss the conference keynote, Everyday Innovation: Using Technology to Build Effectiveness, Friday June 5, presented by Chris Tuttle, Expert Trainer at Idealware.
Expand your horizons with sessions like these on Friday:
- A New Rosetta Language: Hi-Tech Teens and Computer Science, Betsey McFarland, Wade Edwards Learning Lab/WiCS@NCSU
- No Cost Online Non-Profit Research: Sometimes Free Really IS Free, Betty Garrison, Elon Univ
- It’s a SNAP – Social Networking Accelerated Process, Laura Rose
Is there another topic you'd like to present or discuss? We’ve reserved rooms for Design-Your-Own (also known as "unconference") Sessions. You can propose a design-your-own session now or at the conference. Attendees decide if it gets added to the agenda that day.
We're looking forward to seeing you at 15NCT4G!